Episode 53: Kindness Is Legal Rights For All

Jake and two colleagues at the PAWS Conference

An exciting start to 2023, Anitha talks to Jake Davis, a lawyer working to seek legal protection for non-human animals.

Anitha met Jake at a conference about the plight of animals in captivity. The conference was hosted by Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS Elephant Sanctuary) and Jake was one of the speakers.

Jake chats with Anitha about his journey from a child who loved animals, to now, using his legal expertise to help change the status of animals from mere ‘things’ (who don’t have any legal rights) to ‘legal persons’ who have the fundamental right to such things as freedom from captivity.

Jake is a staff attorney with the Non-Human Rights Project and his clients include elephants, great apes, dolphins and whales.

Anitha loved hearing Jake optimistically talk about the progress the Non-Human Rights Project is gaining as they seek to free their clients from captivity.

A great episode for anyone looking to start the year with hope.

To read the article Jake mentioned about why zoos are bad for animals, click on this link:

 Opinion – Zoos Are Bad for Animals – The New Yo…

As a thank you for sharing his story, Anitha donated to the Non-Human Rights Project. To learn more about what they are doing to help animals, check out their website: https://www.nonhumanrights.org/

To learn more about PAWS Elephant Sanctuary and the work they are doing, click here: https://www.pawsweb.org/