Episode 19: Kindness is Music and Lego

Fourteen-year old Annora Wu and her eleven-year old brother Andrew join Anitha to share their stories of kindness.

A talented musician, Annora talks about what it was like performing for residents of nursing homes and the joy she felt knowing she was making a positive difference in their lives.

Not to be outdone by his older sister, Andrew shares his amazing initiative of combining his love of Lego and animals to create Lego For Charity.

Andrew collects donated sets of Lego. He spends time sanitizing and sorting the pieces, and then puts together ‘new’ sets that he sells. The funds raised are donated to the SPCA.  

This is a wonderful episode for everyone who loves music, animals and of course stories of kindness.

To learn more about Lego For Charity, please click on this link: http://legoforcharity.com/

To learn more about Explore Hop, the organization that provided Annora with the skills to create the Lego For Charity website and promote its goals, click here: https://explorerhop.com/

As a thank you to Annora and Andrew for sharing their story, Anitha donated to the SPCA. For more information about all the wonderful work the SPCA does to help animals, please check out their website: https://spca.bc.ca/locations/vancouver/

Episode 18: Kindness Is Appreciating Your Own Backyard

Alex at ten years of age, taking photos for BBC Wildlife Magazine

Seventeen-year-old Alex White joins Anitha from Oxfordshire, United Kingdom to talk about his passion to inspire people to appreciate wildlife and nature in their own backyards.

When Alex was seven, he was given a camera, and fairly soon after he created a blog to share stories and photographs of wildlife and nature in his Local Patch. His blog has been declared as one of the top 50 wildlife blogs.

Alex also talks about his exciting stint as a journalist for a BBC wildlife magazine and publishing a book he wrote called Get Your Boots On. It’s all about ways to enjoy nature.

To learn more about Alex and his blog, click on this link: https://appletonwildlifediary.wordpress.com/

To check out Alex’s book, click on this link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Get-Your-Boots-Alex-White/dp/1909455229/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=Get+Your+books+on&qid=1615061919&sr=8-8

As a thank you for sharing his story, Anitha donated to the Oxfordshire Badger Group Vaccination Project. To learn more about the wonderful work this group is doing to help badgers, click on this link: https://www.oxonbadgergroup.org.uk/

And to help them help badgers, click here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/oxfordshire-badger-group-vaccination-project